This is a time of balance. We balance that which brings us pain with that which brings us joy. Keep in mind that the Earth only experienced balance two days a year at the Autumn and Spring Equinox. We can't expect perfection in our balance. We hover or float near the empowering and happy or challenging and stressful. I wish to reflect to you that there is much stress in the community about the lack of balance. Our greatest challenge is to recognize that failure, mistakes, and sometimes the why didn't we see that coming are all part of what moves us along our path. Sometimes, through our own actions or inactions we have to f@#k something up beyond all chance of repair so that we can recognize where we truly are standing. Once we have dusted off and determined where we are we then show up to our tribe. Your tribe are the people who accept you for what you are, where you are with compassion. It's possible you walk among multiple tribes. You are a part of a blood family, a chosen family, a religious family, a work family, a hobby family etc. You belong in each of these houses. Your home, your spirit family are the ones from each of these houses that hold a special place in your heart. Remind your tribe they have a place at your home during troubled times. I'm not suggesting that we take on each other's work just reminding that it is important to say I accept you in your broken, troubled, and confused space during troubled times. It's okay to hold someone's hand as you travel along your Path.
Copyright September 2018